Friday, August 7, 2009

Dr. Visit....

Well we went to the doctor yesterday and my "big - little" girl is an ounce away from 19 pounds! WOW! She is 27 inches long and her head is 17 1/4 inches around. The doctor said she is "perfect" for her weight to height ratio. We won't mention how the "shots" went ... I think mommy almost cried :( ... but I know they're important. We're still working on almost sitting up by herself and she rolled over from front to back the other day ... Miss Lazy's not really interested in the idea, but it can be done, ha. I talked to her doctor about still getting up twice a night and she said Madison's not filling up enough with baby food during the day, so she probably is hungry at night. SO, now she gladly eats 3 baby food meals a day and what-do-ya-know.... the past 2 nights my little angel has slept from 8:30 PM to 5:00 AM - WOOOOO HOOOOOOO - MAGIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've only been waiting for this for 6 months! Overall she's doing wonderful and is also now enjoying her new big-girl carseat :)

1 comment:

Mimi Miller said...

It's like her own personal recliner!